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Crop Production :: Cereal :: Rice :: Wet Seeded Puddled Lowland




  • Direct wet seeding can be followed in all the areas wherein transplanting is in vogue.


  • As that of transplanted rice

Field preparation

  • On receipt of showers during the months of May - July repeated ploughing should be carried out so as to conserve the moisture, destroy the weeds and break the clods.
  • After inundation puddling is to be done as per transplanting. More care should be taken to level the field to zero level.
  • Stagnation of water in patches during germination and early establishment of the crop leads to uneven crop stand.
  • Land leveling has say over efficient weed and water management practices.
  • Provision of shallow trenches (15cm width) at an interval of 3m all along the field will facilitate the draining of excess water at the early growth stage.


All the varieties recommended for transplanting can do well under direct wet seeded conditions also. However, the following varieties are more suited.

Varieties Duration (days) Time of sowing
Ponmani 160 to 165 1st to 30th August for Samba
CO 43, IR20, ADT 38 ADT 39, Ponni, Improved White Ponni 125 to135 1st to 30th September for Thaladi
ADT 36, ADT 37 105 to 110 1st to 10th June for Kuruvai
1st to 10th October for late Thaladi


  • Follow a seed rate of 60 kg / ha
  • Pre-germinate the seeds as for wet nursery
  • Seed treatments as adopted for transplanted rice
  • Sow the seeds by drum seeder or broadcast uniformly with thin film of water.
  • Dual cropping of rice-green manure is economic for nutrient budget and efficient for grain production. For this method use ‘TNAU Rice-Green manure seeder’.

Paddy Cum Daincha Seeder

Drum Seeder


After cultivation

  • Thinning and gap filling should be done 14 - 21 days after sowing, taking advantage of the immediate rain.
  • If dual cropped with green manure, incorporate the green manure when grown to 40cm height or at 30 days after sowing, whichever is earlier, using Cono-weeder.
  • Green manure incorporated fields may be operated again with rotary weeder a week later in order to aerate the soil and to exploit organic acids formed if any.

Manures and fertilizer application

  • For direct wet seeded lowland rice, the recommendation is same at that of transplanted rice.
  • Apply N and K as 25% each at 21 DAS, at active tillering, PI and heading stages.
  • If  N applied through LCC, use the critical value 3 for broadcasted and 4 for line sown drill seeded rice.
  • Entire P as basal applied in the last plough or at the time of incorporation of green manure/ compost.
  • Biofertilizers as recommended to transplanted rice may be followed wherever feasible and moisture available.
  • Micro nutrient, foliar application and biofertlizers as recommended to transplanted rice.

Weed management

  • In wet seeded rice, pre-emergence application of pretilachlor 0.75 kg/ha on 8 DAS or pretilachlor + safener (Sofit) at 0.45kg/ha on 3-4 DAS followed by one hand weeding on 40 DAS in direct drum seeded rice.

  • In wet seeded rice, sowing with drum seeder and cono weeding (manual / power weeder) is done at 10, 20 and 30 DAS.

  • In transplanted rice, hand weeding twice on 15 - 20 DAT and 45 DAT will control the weeds effectively (or) Pendimethalin 3.0 lit/ha at 8 DAT with optimum moisture condition and one hand weeding on 45 DAT.

  • Productivity and economic returns of wet seeded rice with dual cropping of danicha could be maximized by the pre-emergence application of pretilachlor + safner at 0.45 kg ha-1 followed by one cono weeder in between rows and manual weeding with the rice rows on 35 DAS in lowland conditions.

  • PE pretilachlor + safner 0.45 kg/ha-1 on 3 DAS + roto cylindrical weeder weeding on 45 DAS in wet seeded rice resulted in excellent control of weeds like Echinochloa crusgalli, Panicum repens, Eclipta alba and Monochoria vaginalis and higher grain yield, net monetary returnand B:C ratio.

  • PE pretilachlor (S) 0.45 kg ha-1 on 3 DAS fb azimsulfuron 50 DF 35 g ha-1 on 20 DAS + hand weeding on 45 DAS for broad spectrum weed control and higher grain yield and economic returns in both irrigated and rainfed direct seeded rice.

  • Higher productivity of wet direct seeded (drum seeded) rice could be achieved by integrating intercropping of daincha and pre-emergence application of pretilachlor + safner at 0.45 kg ha-1 on 4 DAS followed by one hand weeding on 35 DAS.

  • In rice -rice -fallow system intercropping of Sesbania rostrata control the weeds of rice field along with incorporation of Sesbania rostrata in to the field and one hand weeding on 35 DAT.

  • Apply PE pretilachlor 0.45 kg ha-1 on 3 DAS + Roto cylindrical weeds + weeding on 45 DAS in wet seeded rice have good control of weeds like Echinochloa crusgalli, Panicum repens, Eclipta alba and Monochoria vaginalis.

Water management

  • During first one week just wet the soil by thin film of water.
  • Depth of irrigation may be increased to 2.5cm progressively along the crop age.
  • Afterwards follow the schedule as given to transplanted rice.

Other package of practices

  • As recommended in transplanted rice

Updated on : May 2013


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